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If you do not excel the teacher, then you are a worthless student

 If you do not excel the teacher, then you are a worthless student

If you do not outperform the teacher, then you are a worthless student.

I remember that a colleague solved a complex problem in an easy and new way, and we were happy that he invented this method, as he outperformed our teacher in strength, but the teacher said in the class: Our colleague is just an idiot. A method came up with him by chance, so I said in Myself, isn't it shameful to say this? The true student is the one who overcomes his teacher, and whoever does not overcome his teacher, even at the end of school, is a worthless student. How many students have overcome his teacher? So why the hatred, O teachers? It is an honor for every professor when his student overcomes him, and sees the fruit of his education in him. Then I always say: Why? We do not encourage our students to be role models for those behind them. I learned an important issue from my science teacher at that stage. He always told us, “After a year or a little more, you will take my place and become teachers.” We were amused when he told us this, but in reality his words came true and what he was saying became. For us, I adore teachers like these and always pray for them and pray for their well-being. From the book Life Skills by Ibrahim Al-Shamlan
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